German voices, rap and choirs

I recently bought Synth V Pro, but I still need to play around with it a bit. It’s a really powerful tool. At first I had the choice between Synth V and ACE Studio. I think ACE Studio offers more, but unfortunately it’s cloud-based and I think it’s only available via a subscription.
Can we hope for a few German voices in the future? Rap and choirs would also be something that would be interesting. I think there’s so much you can do and the competition never sleeps.

Welcome to the forum!

As you dig in you will find RAP is already included in some voice packs as a vocal style and there are some songs using RAP in the showroom such as:-

Choral works are also to be found there:-

And slightly buriied in a thread…
See see the Word is incarnate - church choral

Hi, thank you very much. I’ll listen to it. There used to be a list that you could use to change the pronunciation of the voice and thus specify German syllables.

@gafacapella wrote a script to produce Spanish and could have more language options added, not an immediate answer but a path forward?:-

A list of phonemes available can be found here (Claire’s site):-
Phoneme Lists
Also on the same site, this may be of use to you:-
Entering lyrics & phonemes for better pronunciation & timing, and how to use dictionaries

It’s not perfect, but here is my first attempt at generating German phonemes using a combination of English and Spanish phonemes:

Johann Walter: Nun komm der heiden Heiland (1524) with Synthesizer V


thanks for showing, very interesting what is already possible