Script - To Language Phoneme (Customizable)

Hi guys,

I’ve working on it from a while, I think it’s time to share first version of my Unofficial “To Language Phoneme” plugin.
It modify your synth V selection

  • analizyng the lyrics
  • extracting the IPA pronunciation
  • converting to the correct phonemes and “rearranging” notes to have one language per note.

Follows preview images



It allows to convert now only Italian language, but you can add your language support creating your IPA and dream dic files.
You can find readme and the implementation here


That’s a really clever script, I like the idea that people can add dictionaries for further languages – or maybe ‘special case pronunciations’?
This looks like a good complement to the standard user dictionaries.

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Thanks, the idea is to have a more powerful dictionary definition - and more concise, using ipa regex :wink:


First update: added sillabation feature and “+”, “-” support!



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Second update: Added preferred language logic
Now you can choose the target language to use as preferred one respect to the other ones.


In this way you can have a more “compact” notes then the automatic process.



Spanish as target

As you can see you have “dim” and “tu” and “ri” that are splitted in automatic mode, but joined in “spanish” mode.



This is a script that is going places!
I am loving the way you are pushing improvements out.


An experiment of what can you obtain with the help of the script and some manual timing fixing!


Hello Gafacapella.

Thank you for these scripts you created, and congratulations on the interpretation in Italian. I would like to have scripts equivalent to yours, but for French. I used Microsoft Copilot to adapt your scripts to the French language. However, I have no idea if it will work or not… nor how to implement it. Can I send you these modified codes and ask for your expertise to tell me if it would work with French? A big thank you to you!!

Grazie per questi script che hai creato e complimenti per l’interpretazione in italiano. Io vorrei avere degli script equivalenti ai tuoi, ma per il francese. Ho usato Microsoft Copilot per adattare i tuoi script alla lingua francese. Tuttavia, non ho idea se funzionerà o meno… né come implementarlo. Posso inviarti questi codici modificati e chiedere la tua competenza per dirmi se funzionerebbe con il francese? Un grande grazie a te!!

link to the files / link ai file

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Hi guys and thanks @gafacapella for your work!
I tried using your script on a very simple 4-note phrase, Solaria as singer. Selecting the notes and running the script gives the error shown in the attached screenshot. Can you please help? Thank you in advance.

Hi @enriconic, it seems that you are facing issues writing the log file. Could you please check if the “to-language-phonemes.log” is present inside your script folder?

Hi @gafacapella, thank you for your quick reply. No log file is present in the script folder. I believe this is due to the fact that writing in that folder needs to be authorized — my system is a MacBook Pro with Sonoma 14.7 MacOS. For instance, I had to download the files in the download folder and only then move them to the scripts folder by authorizing each operation with my password or fingerprint. The whole Dreamtonics folder tree is under a protected folder (Library/Application Support/) and writing there files without authorization is not allowed.

Ah ok, this is the problem. I have to think how to handle this, for now you can open the script and remove the logging part - all the log(xxxx) calls.

Thank you for your help, @gafacapella! I’ve commented those logging calls instead of deleting them. However, now another error message pops up right after I choose language and target language (no matter which target language I choose, including Automatic). Please see the screenshot.

I also upload a screenshot of the folder tree, just to see whether I installed things properly.

Hi @enriconic, it seems that the script cannot read external file,maybe for the same limitation of the protected folder. I’ve to investigate if this could be bypassed in some way…

Hi @gafacapella, thanks for investigating. Looking forward to being able using your script!

Hello Gallacier,
Just passing by, just in case (as I, like you, am working with French): on my side, I use ChatGPT version 4 Pro. In the subscription version, GPT memorizes and “learns” what you do. It retains the content of documents and conversations.

As a result, I provided it with the official and unofficial phoneme dictionaries compatible with Synthesizer V that exist for Chinese, Japanese, English, and Spanish.

Now, I use it to automatically translate French text into phonemes compatible with Synthesizer V. It can even suggest several variations and, more importantly, choose the best language in certain cases (though it should be noted that in most cases, English produces the best results).

If it can help… while we wait to finally have real French voices or ones programmed for French in Synthesizer V (maybe V2 will handle Molière’s language better? :-))

P.S.: I started a topic on French voices in the Synthesizer V section: French vocal/voices for synthesizer v