Synthv resources + vocal synth files

Hi, some people are new here / don’t know what sites to use etc… So I wanted to make this small list of websites for synthv / vocal synths

has everything synthv related

SynthV Praat Tutorial SynthV Praat Tutorial - Google ドキュメント

Synthesizer V Studio Tutorial (English):

for scripts:
change color hex code:HTML Color Codes Chart 🎨

pratt:Praat Vocal Toolkit

i’ll update when i find more

Update 21/10 non synthv mostly:
Music theory resources: Music Theory, Mixing & Musicianship Resources |

mixing guild by fl:

vocal synth files:
VCCV English UST’s: VCCV English UST's |

suyu (UtauReizo): UST Download - 雷音冷蔵・雷音レナ

Motoko: Vocalochu: VSQ/UST/MIDI/Sheet Music List

micandonburi (midi): micandonburi --VOCALOID sheet music.

lunaxx99: My Files

nmasao1: utauust

CheezItsAreYummy (circus-p):


Another topic already exists for some resources:

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I know I just wanted something not so script focused but if this repeats info I can delete this post.

I had read the first link “” which was already given, hence my remark, and yes more script oriented…
For the second info, the praat tutorial (I already know), I am wondering for people who don’t know. I haven’t read this reference elsewhere in this new forum, so why not.

Another subject is creating multiple topics for reference resources (Scripts, tutorials, resources, etc…). If we create many topics for reference links (lost from previous forum), I suppose that no one can find them. But I agree, this is not your topic.

ah yeah I can’t delete my post though sadly, if I can I’ll update with more helpful recourses that aren’t synth v to just make it different

There is no need to delete it, because not mentioned elsewhere.

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