Synth V Script Archive

Just in case you are searching for something, there are several scripts written by users on GitHub - Script list


I hope it’s okay if I use this thread for some more interesting links :wink:

Synth V Wiki:
SynthV Wiki | Fandom

Synth V User manual:
Home | Synthesizer V Studio User Manual (

Welcome to Synthesizer V - Synthesizer V Studio Unofficial User Manual (

Scripting manual:
Home - Synthesizer V Studio Scripting Manual (

Dreamtonics Synth V scripts:
GitHub - Dreamtonics/svstudio-scripts: Scripts for Synthesizer V Studio Pro

Claire’s Synth V scripts:
svstudio-scripts · SynthV Studio scripts by Claire (



There is also others scripts on github: Others repositories updated!


Thank you. You guys are awesome!
As we go along, I think we will recover most of the lost resources…

I also remember another interesting reference scripts from @claire:

SynthV Resources & Guides

But not up to date (some links are broken, mine are not inside…).

And another small repositories found: Github Dreamtonics repo


Adding other stuffs:
Resources from Dreamtonics
Image singers swap

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Every time I try to access this link I get an error message…

Whoa there!

You have exceeded a secondary rate limit.

Please wait a few minutes before you try again;
in some cases this may take up to an hour.

Yes, you really have reached your own limit!
No, I don’t know, maybe a platform bug. Try another internet browser.

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I have seen exactly the same despite my being able to access the repository a few weeks ago. I did a search on GitHub Community and found this posted four days ago…

I came here to report the same thing – a single search from the home page returned “Whoa there! You have exceeded a secondary rate limit…”
This only happened when I searched without logging in. Once I logged in (to complain, obv) search worked fine."

I can only suggest that they have recently changed guest priveliges?

I have just created a Github account (it’s free and not too onerous) now I have access to the above repo’s again.

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Thanks for that reminder! I already had an account there but was not logged in. Once I logged in everything is visible again!