I’ve always wondered what does ‘Save inside host’ actually do?
Thanks for any insights.
Exactly what it suggests - it saves all Synth V settings inside the host DAW. It’s saved me a few times when my DAW has crashed. By not setting this the setting are saved in a separate file.
Thanks, Bobox.
Yep, that’s what I thought, except when I choose that option neither Studio One nor Dorico show a ‘file has been changed’ implying - resave to save changes.
Personally, I prefer to save to external files, since that helps me with back and forth between Dorico and Studio One. (Dorico lacks ARA, so dealing with non-simple tempos changes is far from ideal).
Gotta say, I wish I could disable the reminders to the effect of ‘unsaved data’ (or something like that,) that I sometimes get when loading a file. I’ve never had use for that feature. I always save to an external file.