Installation was to an external SSD. This was the first big issue with locating the VST3 and component files.
The VST3 and component files had to be copied and moved and now reside in two places:
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Synthesizer V Studio Pro.component
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Synthesizer V Studio Pro.VST3
/Users/me/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Synthesizer V Studio Pro.component
/Users/me/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/VST3/Synthesizer V Studio Pro.VST3
I had to place the above files here as the installation left them on the external SSD and Logic Pro could
not find them when using its Plug-in Manager Scan operations. -
When using Synth V as “standalone”, the new voices I purchased (Hayden and Solaria) work just fine.
Switching between databases adjusts the voice to the singer as expected.
Projects saved under Synth V basic can be loaded and work just fine. -
Launching Synth V Pro as “standalone”, all transport functions work. While Synth V is still active,
I launch Logic Pro. Now Synth V transports do nothing. the ‘Play’ icon is clicked and it shows a red ‘Pause’.
This toggles back and forth but no sound and no transport. Further, even though I then try the transport on
Logic Pro (just a test), Synth V still does nothing. The plug-in is “not” selected from within Logic Pro. No plugins
are selected. -
Each of these apps when launched, initializes my USB midi interface (Focusrite) and once Logic Pro has done this in any order, Synth V is unable to get a hold of Core Audio and does not respond to any transport commands therefore no sounds either.
These are big issues between standalone Synth V Pro and Logic Audio Pro.
On to the Plug-in issues…
Since I found the VST3 and .component files, I placed them in the above locations as noted.
Now I can Quit out of Synth V standalone and separately relaunch Logic Pro. -
Now running only Logic Pro, I can load Synth V as a plug-in within Logic Pro.
From within Synth-V any file that I load only plays a very muted female-ish Synth-V sound.
The voices do not sound out. I can load and reload any database and there is “no” actual vocal sound. -
The plug-in manager for Logic Pro shows ‘Dreamtonics Co., Ltd.’ and there is a blue check indicating it is valid.
The Compatibility column says ‘successfully validated’. -
Rebooting does nothing to affect this issue. The vocal sound is always the same ‘muted and female like’
When trying a different vocal database, the word display refreshes but the specifics for that voice as in the
inflection tracing and waveforms do not change. -
So at this point, I can use Synth V as standalone only. I generate an audio file or files and then launch
Logic Pro, Next I add those files into Logic Pro and if/when I need to adjust timings, phrases etc, I have to
Quit Logic Pro, Restart Synth V Pro, and try to remember all the specifics of what I want to adjust.
Yes I can add audio tracks to Synth V Pro (which I do add necessary snippets) but that is not an ideal work flow especially when one has to quit and restart each program.
There we have it, a great product with serious operational issues…
Standalone product works but does not interact with the DAW, and plug-in product fails miserably.