I’m going to include two songs that were neither here nor on the original forum and both have something in common and at the same time differ in processing. They are similar in that the lyrics were created first, my inspiration for the song Vampire was the beginning of the movie - “The Fearless Vampire Killers” and the song Vampire - Indian singer from Canada Buffy Sainte Marie, and we created music to the text before 2000 with my friend Karl Hoza on Cakewalk 3 Home as midi file and wrk file. It was unsingable for my singing at the time, as it had a range of 3 octaves and 3 semitones, while the notes in the contra-octave (C1-B1) would not be necessary, they are more of a demonstration note. I put the song down and trained my voice and found a way to sing it. I learned to sing using false vocal cords, more precisely the use of ventricular cilia. This method was also studied on the voice of Freddie Murcura by scientists from Sweden. It was completely unique in its execution. I learned this method from the pioneers of the “Growl” style for the bass position, Avi Kaplan, Tim Foust and Geoff Castelucci. After buying Asterian, I also discovered Eric Hollaway, who lent him his voice, and that Eric manages this technique perfectly, Asterian can also do it, even without using scripts. I have listened to their techniques and am able to apply them at my amateur level. I look up to the singing quality of my role models (Avi, Tim, Geoff and Eric) and enjoy listening to their songs. Consider my version as my working style aptly termed by “keith.parks” here on the forum in another post as “Experiment while learning”. Alessandro Zocco helped me with the Czech language and I mention that in the comments under the recording, and there is also a link to my solo singing of this song and the translated text into English. Since I bought a Vocoflex at that time, I used it in the recording. In the next song, which I will present here, I also used only Synthesizer V Pro for the Czech language.
hi gauzde
Very nice song!
But is your own vocal in this version ?
If it is, you should put it way more up front
If your voice is not in this version, you should
Your voice would blend really well with Synth V
Yes, I sing there, and what I sing, Asterian also sings there. I’ll tell it now as I hear it. First of all, I consider myself a slightly (perhaps a little too slightly) above average singer - but only an amateur who has worked on his range. It doesn’t take much talent and it can be learned. (For singing, I quite often use ventricular cilia to sing my vocal cords and learned to sing this way unconsciously). And secondly. Here in the recording, Asterian and I kind of take turns in dominating the vocal dynamics throughout the song when there’s vocals. The other voices have a little less dynamics. The exception is the sung two-octave ascension ( from 2:34 ), where Asterian goes into the background and Saros sings the duet with me. Ascent is from D2 to D4. In the end, we go with Asterian to F4. This is where my ability to sing with a passable intonation of my voice ends, and at my age I no longer use falsetto for singing, I only practice it occasionally. If I need it in a future song, I’ll let Asterian stand out with a better result than me. Likewise, my other AIs - Saros, Kevin, Jun and NineZero, and all the female AIs - would also excel over me. Asterian and I are mutually interchangeable through Vocoflex. I will make myself a believable Asterian (with perfect Czech) and with Asterian I will create myself with my real voice (his Czech has an Asterian pronunciation that I can master in Synthesizer V Pro). I have this song sung in the studio with just my voice a month before this recording with AI zpěváky. I’ll link to it here this recording and apologize as it has nothing to do with AI. This was also the reason why we took turns in singing with Asterian where I sing with AI zpěváky.
I may remove the link to the recording with just my voice over time, I just put it here so that Cr3ActivityFirst can hear what I sing and what the AI sings.
hi gauzde
Well your the only one here that uses his own voice
That’s something that needs to be explored aswell
Synth V is a tool after all
I heard your 2 versions and thought
Those would blend very well together
I made a quick sketch of your Vampira
Mixed your asterian & your own voice version
I placed your own voice more up front
Your voice together with SynthV I love it
LooooOots of character! — I can see …
Cinema - popcorn - final scene - end title - gauzde:)
I like it very much and here you can see that my old age compared to your youth, for example, is already cumbersome, even with good ideas. We old people cannot extract a successful result like you young people. But it’s fair, because we were young too. On Youtube I wrote a bit heavy handed that you completely used the part where I sing deeper (outside the end of the song) to my surprise, but it could also be that you used the part that is connected to the beginning of my singing where I sing deeper. Another example is that the old age is more outdated and in my case I don’t use the modern perfect sounds that you used. I deliberately stuffed a lot of virtual instruments in there, so that the others get a little lost in it. I already had the sheet music for it in the last century, but it took me a lot of time to coax out the necessary sounds in the virtual instruments for the mood of the song. You just used what you had on hand and achieved a better result than I did. This is what today’s times require - a modern concept. But I have the advantage that in my old age I enjoy living and doing my own thing. Old age is also stubborn…
A perfect arrangement for the type of song. Well done.
hi Alessandro
Glad you like, Thank you!
I see you made the Czech synthesis for gauzde
Nice work! -
haa gauzde
I’m not that young, at least old enough to say …
“These darn kids these days:)”
Glad you like the version
I just thought those vocals would blend so well
Instead of me saying, let us here gauzde more, again
I thought, let’s just hear him what I hear
I love raw vocal, vocals that tell a story, you have that
I rather hear a limited range full of character
Leonard Cohen - Tom Waits - Nick Cave etc
Limited, but they pack a story and punch like no one can
Your stubborn, good, any artist should be
I’m just gonna keep bugging you about it:)
… Just do your own thing gauzde!
(also wrote a little on youtube)
I see you as a young (not inexperienced, but full and very flexible) person who is able to move with the times. I have two good friends and at the same time excellent singers who didn’t really understand my song Vampire, they also criticized me, which I understood, but I stood my ground. Your version opened their eyes and suddenly they took my singing at their mercy. I learned the technique of e.g. Leonard Cohen unconsciously when I practiced deep tones almost daily from 1986 to 2004 and then slowed down the pace of the training. For singing, I use false vocal cords (professionally - Ventricular cilia placed above the vocal cords) and mix them with the sound of normal (real) vocal cords. I can do it on an amateur level, but Tim Foust, Geoff Castellucci and Eric Hollaway can do it on a professional level. The principle is that I will add dominance to the fake vocal cords in tones that I can do with both types of vocal cords. Even notes in a higher position can be interpret out with false vocal cords. It was used and used today by rock singers, sometimes consciously and sometimes accidentally in higher tones (metal singers use it through the Growl technique). I have a professional article in Czech that Freddie Mercury used this technique as well. But back to earth!!! I am an amateur in singing, although I learned this technique unconsciously and every day I can understand it more and more. I enjoy it and will continue to experiment with it. Maybe it would be good to create a new topic where we could exchange experiences with our singing and blending into singing with AI performers and working with both in Synthesizer V Pro and Vocoflex. And put that topic in the “Vocoflex” category. I can replace my singing with Asterian, who is better able to sing the way I describe. Because he inherited it from Eric Hollaway.
Wow, that’s the best compliment you can get
If you can change people perception over time
“It’s not my thing, but I like it” - Simply - Best compliment!
I don’t see a reason you could not post your experiments in Showroom
If you use Dreamtonics products combined with your own voice
That is exactly what the software is created for
I would follow your experiments:)