Translating Synthesizer V Phonemes to EW WorldBuilder Votox system


Before I started using Synthesizer 5, I was using the EastWest Hollywood Choir with the WordBuilder to simulate choir singing. Though the articulation is not as good as Synthesizer, the voice is more suitable for church/classical choir sound. Now I am thinking to mix and layer SV voices with EW choir, but the input is very time consuming. Especially becasue I am simluating Chinese lyrics, so the spelling of the phonemes is tedious. Just think that if it is possible to translate the SV generated phonemes into Votox(the system EW WordBuilder uses) by scripting. I know nothing about scripting yet. Just wondering.

I use EastWest voices as well as Kontakt voices and create them from sheet music in Studio One. I put voices from Synthesizer V Pro created and vocally treated directly exported in wav from Synthesizer V Pro (as standalone) into Studio One and start work on the mix. I wouldn’t dare to work only on voices in a system where I can work notationally and intonationally with both types of voices simultaneously. This would also be possible in Studio One, where I can work with notes and the way of singing in Open or Kontakt and work with voices from Synthesizer V Pro, where Synthesizer V Pro is here as a plugin. I don’t work with the plugin in Studio One, because at the age of 74 on one monitor, I kind of lose track of things.