SynthV not saving user key commands in plugin mode

Hi everyone! I’m running SynthV as a plugin in Studio one. When I make a user key command for SynthV’s own commands or commands from Scripts,
when I close Studio one and reopen, the key commands I set in SynthV are gone. It seems it gets erased when I close the DAW. How can I prevent this?


maybe set the key shortcuts in the standalone and they should work in the DAW (at least it does in my case - W11 Sonar)

Something I have encountered sometimes…
The last closed instance is the winner!
Closing the application is the event when SynthV saves the settings.xml file.
So if you are working with an application opened twice (standalone and plug-in in DAW), this problem can occur.
If you close your standalone application after closing your DAW project, all your shortcuts added inside the plug-in are erased.

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Thanks guys! I’ll try it out!