New Saros Rock Track

Here’s a little mashup with rock and prog styles from the 70’s through to the 90’s - Motorhead to DT - starring Saros. He sounds a bit like Steve Perry from Journey, which is cool. I know the vocals are mixed back, sort of an homage to the rock bands of my youth. Have fun!


That was fun ! May you continue to Hammer on !!! :laughing:

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Thanks!! :love_you_gesture: these days its either playing or pissing!

Wow, I didn’t know guitars :guitar: could do that :joy:

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After a shreddies breakfast, anything is possible!! :guitar::blush:

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This smokes! The guitar work is stellar – is that you? To my ear, the vocals sounds most like Paul Stanley from mid 80s Kiss. This song specifically:


Yeah you’re right!! He does sound like Paul Stanley. I was thinking Steve Perry but you’re closer to the mark.

That’s me playing guitar… Epiphone LP → Neve 1272 → Neural DSP Petrucci Archetype plugin. Glad you like it!!

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Sounds great. Well done.

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Thanks!! Greatly appreciated!

Wow this is an ace track, amazing guitar playing!! And yeah, Saros really sounds like Paul Stanley here especially with the effects you’ve used, nailed that 70s/80s rock sound :star_struck:

I see also you have some Genelec 8351s in the background of your pic, top choice! How are you finding them? I have the 8341s and absolutely love them

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Thanks!! I love the 8351s. They changed my life. Mixes now translate. They are accurate, transparent, and lots of fun too! (I also use a 7360A sub). For years I had this idiotic bigotry against Genelecs - inspired by a feud I was having with another studio decades ago. Incredibly petty and stupid on my part. When I heard the 8351s around three years ago, I couldn’t deny what they could do and all that stupidity melted away. I’m a monitor whore and tend to change them every few years looking for the holy grail. But I can’t do that anymore becuase these are damn near perfect. Now I’M the genelec bigot :slight_smile: The only change I would consider is getting the W371a’s but they’re too rich for my blood. I dig that monitors are personal and all that, but if mix time matters, I’m not sure why anyone would use anything other than a pair of ‘Ones’ outfiltted with a GLM kit. It’s just so nice to mix with confidence. When did you get your 8341s? Do you use a sub with them? GLM?

That’s great you saw/heard sense! I must admit though I’m guilty of having silly preconceptions about certain brands and models too, we’re only human :sweat_smile:

I got my Genny’s in 2021 after having used a pair of Tannoy Reveal 6Ds for about 16 years up until that point. It was such a big step up and instantly made my mixing better. I do have the GLM kit but I still haven’t used it as I currently have a JBL sub in my setup so I can’t get the whole thing aligned. I’m hoping to upgrade to the same 7360A sub you have later this year at which point I’ll give the GLM a go. Do you use GLM and if so how have you found it?

I use GLM. It’s fantastic. The difference between calibrated vs uncalibrated is nothing short of profound, not to mention the liberty it provides in terms of monitor placement. Just for fun, I’d suggest turning off the sub and running GLM against the 8341s by themselves and see what happens.