A new original song with Natalie on lead, backup by Kevin, Solaria, Saros and Natalie.
WARNING: Political Content - if you’re trying to avoid US politics, this might not be the song for you.
I like the song and the sentiment. But the piano is a bit loud in the first part of the track and the whole band could be down a couple dB (IMHO.). I do like the internal balance of the vocal tracks, spot on.
BTW, if you haven’t, Google Greg Palast’s take on it all.
Glad you found the song interesting and thanks for the feedback about the mix. And thanks for the Greg Palast recommendation.
Good to hear that not all Americans have gone mad…
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Thanks for listening, although unfortunately around half of Americans do seem to be nuts these days. Or maybe they always were, but didn’t have a vehicle (or permission within society) to show it.