My songs are flagged

someone flagged my Songs and I don’t know why. It’s absolutely harmless.

Thank you now it works again… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Again flagged and I don’t know why.

Which one? Just to understand, I can’t remove someone else’s report.
And I didn’t see any song reported. I hope it’s just a user’s mouse move error.

Maybe I missed something. I can’t post any new songs either. :question:

I don’t understand why your song got flagged, it is a lovely, gentle song.

Surely a single flag wouldn’t cause it to be hidden, it wasn’t enough for a recent trolling thread!

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Currently I can see your post and video. But yes, it was reported and it seems like it’s not long now, right?

There are two videos (songs). As you can see in the picture, sometimes they are there and then they are flagged again.

Oh yeah that’s weird, maybe a timing coming from this situation I hope.
And also, there’s no online admin to see what it is!

Ah ok I didn’t notice that!

When I want to post something new it says something like: You cannot post anything from this hoster (youtube).
But there are many Youtube videos here on the board.

Maybe you cannot until your last video is not visible.

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Yes maybe… let’s wait a while. :sleeping:

The forum appears to be configured to prevent spambots. The “frequent” posts (all two of them) to the “same” domain (YouTube) triggered its spamming rules.

Ironically, two of the posts that are flagged are complaints about posts being flagged. Of course, including the same links in those posts caused them to be flagged again. :roll_eyes:

I’m not seeing anything preventing @PMRecording from posting, as the account is neither suspended nor silenced.

I’ll put a note for the moderators to consider whitelisting common song posting sites.


Thank you for looking into this

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Thank you very much for your help. But if I remember correctly there were several days between the two posts.

Apologies, I’m still learning the ropes. :slightly_frowning_face:

I see there are specific options for increasing the number of posts and for whitelisting sites. so I’ll send that up as well.

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Could this occurs because we are posting more than one video on the same topic?
And I know, I have already seen some post there with more than 2 videos… So why?


Maybe it is this… I just got that.