My new rock opera, featuring Solaria and other AI

For those who appreciate a more adventurous listening experience, I’ve created a multi-song rock opera (symphonic rock/metal). It features Solaria as the lead vocalist, plus several other characters converted from SynthV to Audimee voices. I’ve also experimented with orchestration, and using AI for help with lyrics and image creation, so it’s fitting that the story is AI-related as well…

Schisms of Reality

enjoy! looking forward to any thoughts/comments as always.


I really liked the sound of this, I always loved a concept album, there are lovely transitions from one track to the next and the twist at the end is nice.
The artwork instantly flashed me back to the 1970s gatefold album ‘Motorcycle Mama’ by Sailcat (which I literally wore out because it hardly left the turntable), just a flash-back, not a criticism, I thought the storybook format worked well with your songs.
I do think in a few places occasional lyrics are a bit “jangy”, maybe that’s the so-called AI being allowed too much direct input? - I guess the idea of “AI” providing lyric guidance is ok (I’m not an “AI” fan) but like AI’s love of drawing hands with 6 fingers and 2 wrists, it has no understanding and no soul - you do, believe in yourself.
I do think I will be listening to this more than once :space_invader: :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks! Curious what you mean by “jangy”, but yeah, I find ChatGPT’s lyrics are like a 5th grader that learned a few big words, and then turned everything into sophomoric rhyming couplets. So I use them as a rough starting point and then modify them heavily.

But I think the image generators have gotten better; I only had to reject a few images of people with 3 arms this time around. Though they still have their quirks for sure…

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what the heck is wrong with 3 arms? people with 3 arms get much more done… :wink:

overall, this gave me an impression of a TSO concert! cheers!

no issue with 3 arms; just didn’t fit the motif this time around. :slight_smile:

no objection to a TSO comparison; I hadn’t even thought of it until just now. Thanks for listening.

That’s really cool, and I think even with the help of AI and stuff, it’s still a lot of work to do that from start to finish.
I think my first album was shorter than your song :upside_down_face:
Well done!

Yeah, it was a bit of an effort - about 8 months (not including a side project or two along the way). I’m still not sure if I consider it one long song, or really 5 songs that share some common themes…

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At least it’s not one continuous long song like Yes’ “Close to the edge” where no section would make sense without the rest of the song. Each of the songs of your opera has its own verses and a chorus, I guess? In a way, they could all stand on their own. But of course, they are connected.
It’s nice to discover so much proggy metal music here in the forum!

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Well, I love “Close to the Edge”, but this project was written to be 5 discrete stand-alone songs. But I found it easy to intertwine several recurring themes, so maybe that blurs the lines a bit. Call it what you want…!

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I do, I do… :smiley: And of course I agree to all your descriptions.