Is it possible to make Solaria sing church choir style?


I am testing out what Synthesizer V can do. So far, my impression is these voices mostly sing pop style music using chest voice even with high notes. Is it possible to make a voice, say, Solaria sing with her head voice to sing in church choir style when singing high note?


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I think Solaria has a headvoice in the higher registers. Say G5 and up or something like that. Sorry from memory at the moment

I would also like to see a few new voices available as soon as possible that are also suitable for classical music or choir singing.

The voices currently available are all very concise and quite distinctive despite the various singing styles included.
They are well suited for pop, R’n’B, jazz, etc., but less so for other potential areas.
For the areas mentioned (especially classical music, choir music), other languages ​​(German, Italian) would be desirable in addition to English.
I wonder why there is so little movement here - instead almost only new Japanese or Chinese voices are appearing (I certainly don’t want to deny their legitimacy!)

But I think there is still great market potential here and a lucrative business for Drematonics and the voice suppliers. I think that today’s musicians are increasingly tech-savvy, and not just in pop music.

I use Synth V frequently to create demos for singers and choirs. This way you can concentrate on musical details during rehearsals.


In a few days, Eclipsed Sounds will be releasing a new voice: NYL. The information so far is promising and could also be a solution to the issue discussed here.

NYL – Eclipsed Sounds


Thanks for confirmation. It would be great if they do.

Try to dub the voice of use transpose. maybe you find somthing like tha

The answer is yes.
Please check out my Youtube channel:

“early music midi”

I recently uploaded two videos: one with coarse, amateur congregational singing and the other with a more classical church choir quality. Hope you like…

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Thank you so much for mentioning this! Completely slipped under radar!
:pray: :pray: :pray:

Here we go! The Channel
Will check it out now! Appreciated!

One of the videos.

The other one.


Great 4 part writing. Thanks. What I’d like to hear is some angelic female voice singing long notes.

Here is an English verse anthem by Orlando Gibbons sung by Solaria and Kevin. I tweaked the phonemes to reflect Early Modern English pronunciation:

Orlando Gibbons: See see the Word is incarnate with Synthesizer V (c.1620)


Hi, there:

Thank you very much for this wonderful creation. It sounds amazing.

I bought Solaria first. But I couldn’t make her sing with her head voice on high notes. Then I bought Weina. Better. Still not there. Then Natalie. Better. But she sounds cheesy. I can’t make her sound strong like the voice in this video of yours. Now, I bought Saros to see what he can do. Then I saw your post. I am thinking if you can use the midi I put in my cloud storage to make a demo to see what you can do with voice Natalie if you have it. I prefer Natalie because to me, Solaria mostly sings with her chest voice, a good belter. Natalie can somehow sing with her head voice on high notes. The midi file is only first part of my song. The lyrics is just Ah. I also uploaded an mp3 I made with a choir sample library. Pretty good. But does not sound convincing like a real human. The style I am looking for is the following. I doubt synthesizer V can doing something like this. But I’d like to give it a try.



If I like the result, I may ask if you want to produce this song for a price. This is my proposal. Thanks

Hi @htokuno ,
thanks for sharing your version.
Is my assumption correct that you used the manual mode completely for Solaria and Kevin and that there are almost no pitch variations to switch off the pop character of the voices?
It sounds very pure as a result (like you hear with Autotune or Melodyne with extreme settings, for example), but not particularly human-like or natural.
But it does sound very interesting.

Here is my latest upload using Solaria (soprano), Natalie (alto) and Kevin (tenor and bass). It is a French chanson from the early 16th century that mimics the sounds of birds. I found the tongue trilling parts a bit challenging, but I think I got it to be almost there.

Claude Janequin: Le chant des oyseaulx (c.1528) with Synthesizer V (c.1528)


Amazing. Congrats. You have a wonderful skill. I wish I could do it.

It’s hard. Takes a lot of effort with all the parameter editing. Here’s one of my attempts. More on my channel.


Wow, musically that is as close to perfect as I can imagine. Haunting. I also like the video style, so simple but shows the production process while still fittting the theme.
Acoustically, I would have put ‘church hall’ reverb on the girls’ voices but that’s a personal thing.

I love it :pray: :face_holding_back_tears:

Here is my latest upload using a virtuosic passage from the early Italian Baroque repertoire.


Beautiful artwork, beautiful music, nicely done, great work.