How to stop automatic scrolling

I have been wondering if there is a way to stop SynthV from moving the screen while listening to my track. I use the vst inside cubase and I’d like to keep the sections of words exactly where they are on the screen no matter if I stop or start the track. It always moves off the notes I’m on if I play an earlier part if the song. I hope that makes sense?

@Skelly I agree!
If the option “Follow playheads during playback” is turned off, the editor window should definitely not be moved.

This option works during normal playback, then the SV playhead runs out of the plugin editor area. But if you stop and restart playback in Cubase, the editor window is moved and - in this case unintentionally - follows the Cubase playhead.
Unfortunately, I don’t know any way to stop this behavior.

Thanks. Good to know it’s not just me. Hopefully there can be a fix. Not the end of the world but a frustrating workflow at times

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