I can’t believe I had to KYC for this. I’ve tried it with a few voices and the resemblance is somewhat minimal, no one is going to be suing you over it because it’s frankly not a very good imitation at all, just slightly. I think the voices included with it at useful but as far as actually cloning voices? not so much.
Agreed… With cloning voices it begins at the source (if we are talking about the same thing) eg if you want say solaria to sound like Beyonce …
This is what I do… there is a platform called Lalals (there are others) …you can upload an instance of any solaria vocal …say 60 seconds. Lalals does it stuff and clones Solaria to sound like Beyonce and you download that audio file, shorten it, and include it within Vocoflex as a cloned vocal… but …the quality is somewhat lacking due to the original cloned voice being inferior … some clones are better than others.
You really have to find studio quality dry unprocessed vocal tracks for best results. Most isolated vocal tracks are extracted from the song … so there is a lot of messy audio going on underneath as well, hence the inferior quality.
There are platforms that offer pure vocal tracks but are session singers who do covers of songs, that is what I use now and Lalals (depending on quality) to change the character of a vocal to what I want.
Hope this wasn’t too overbearing but its just what I have come to accept.
Ps the KYC process was ridiculous
Thanks for the info! Yup I use Lalals. What platforms provide high quality cover vocals?
Hi again
Its called ISO tracks ( https://isolated-tracks.com/ )
Visit the site and you will see how it works. Pick a singer/song and a multitrack GUI appears from there you can solo the main vocal and simply download it.
Remember they are session singers who sound a fair bit like the artist, but it works for me. I also use lesser-known artist as clones, get some decent results
If the vocal is a double tracked vocal forget it.
You can try it free, up to 30 tracks I think
I have tried a few acappella libraries but the quality is not the best.
See how you go
Take a look at this post on the Synth V section:
I wouldn’t waste too much time trying to get any voice to do a soundalike - the short sample size of Vocoflex (10-15 seconds) simply isn’t enough to to a ‘proper’ re-voice.
It’s a great piece of software, dont get me wrong, but I would look towards using it to affect voices, rather than re-voice to sound like another vocalist. It just won’t work.
There is a (relatively) inexpensive piece of software, Simple Stems, that can extract vocals, and it works really well to generate samples to use in Vocoflex.
Dreamtonics has compiled techniques that can enhance vocal quality, which may be helpful:
Audio Quality Tips | Vocoflex User Manual
Coincidentally, I have received an email offer to get Simple Stems for $20 …
Thanks for the honest appraisal - I don’t think I’ll bother buying it.