I´m completely new to this forum and have bought Synthesizer V Studio
two days ago, so please forgive me, if I as for things, You don´t share here.
To benefilt from experienced users of this great software, it would be awesome, to take closer look at project files to learn how You treaked things to make
it sing the way You did it. I gues, there are a lot of non-obvious-tweaks to
accomplish those stunningly realistic results.
I´ve listenend to quite a few final mixes You shared her in the showroom,
and I was asking myself if You share this project files aswell?
Not that I´m afraid of learing it by myself, but I think that could flatten the
learning curve for newbies like me.
@Vertecs Welcome to the forum!
I think your request is entirely reasonable and, if people would contribute, could actually be the start of a new category … ?
Open question to ALL forum members:-
If the site mods could create said category, would anybody be willing to post project files in such a way as to allow their tuning etc to be studied?
I don’t see a way of posting any sort of file so may be unachievable but the idea seems sensible to me.
I am relatively new to Synth V too (only had it about a month). But what I am doing so far is to use it to convert my own singing to MIDI with one of the voices. I have tried entering notes on the piano roll but they do not sound natural. A friend of mine uses his MIDI keyboard to enter the melody into Synth V.
Maybe more administrator, and also, I don’t think it’s a good approach for forums to have closed (Chinese/Japanese) language categories since we can’t read or participate in those categories. Using a native language forum could help sharing with everyone. And I know it’s not the main topic of this thread.
Yes forum can share only text or pictures. So any linked files could be coming from anywhere (and with not always secured plateform).
Something to be aware of when purchasing a voicebank from the Eclipsed Sounds website eclipsedsounds, they offers some interesting additional files:
Bonus: Images, Example project Files, Dictionaries & Scripts.
A good suggestion! And that’s exactly what Eclipsed sounds like by sharing a project file before and after some improvements.
Project types: Not easy on copyrighted songs.
Project Content: A SynthV project without audio instrument files might be hard to understand on unfamiliar songs. So maybe with embedded audio files or provided with .svp and wav files… Why not.
I wasn’t suggesting links, I am hoping that, just like images, we could post entire projects - if that means zipping them then so be it although there would be no way of knowing the zip’s content until it was opened
And nobody currently seems to bat an eye at links to Youtube or other 3rd party hosting sites so even if this were the only solution would it be that much additional risk? It appears that my music files (hosted on my own website) have been visited by multiple people here, yourself included.
Do you disagree with the use of Japanese and Chinese but are OK with English? Sorry, I don’t agree and anyway, if you wish to follow the few Chinese posts you can easily use an on-line translator.
Sure! But in this case, the forum could be more like Annoncements/Site Feedback/Showroom/SynthV/Vocoflex for each language. That is not the case.
And translate images inside videos is not simple.