Creating new voices

I;m not really interested in converting one voice to another but I was wondering how flexible and versatile the Vocalflex original voices are. I’d guess not very otherwise that would undercut the voice banks. Would appreciate your experiences…

I already have a lot of voices without using Vocoflex but when I use it, it’s to change a sound from the voice bank to have a new one.
And by default (without importing your own wav files), there are a lot of internal voices to transform a standard voice into something different.
Some for male or female:
Airy, Bluesy, Bright, Chill, Clear, Emotional, Gentle, Husky emotional, Passionate, Poppy, Sharp, Sweet etc…
And you can mix them together, fixed (or moving with automation).

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OK, thanks. I won’t have any ‘real’ singers to copy, I was wondering about creating entirely new ones rather than use the voice banks.

Yes, this is the main attractive feature. All the voices I made generate new vocal tone from the imported voice, but far from being a complete style captured as we can use them with a voice bank.
And it’s not easy to describe something we hear, except to try it for ourselves.

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OK, thanks. Will take another look at the demos.

Hi there I am quite happy with vocoflex
Just use one or multiple preset vocals and create the tone you want.
I do have imported voice models but the quality suffers a bit with these… still they are usable.
Make sure use tick the multithread processing in the settings menu this makes a big difference to quality

But I guess they aren’t as good as the voice banks?
One voice I’d like is an old(ish) male, maybe not 100% in tune. maybe a cross between or combination of Richard Harris. Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen.
I know, just thinking out loud but I’m guessing you don’t get that sort of control with Vocalflex. Couldn’t find a suitable voice bank. I should write more versatile songs :smile:

Not all voice styles are currently represented because voice banks require a lot of work and take time. With Vocoflex the advantage is that the transformation is instantaneous on a voice bank or directly on an audio track of your own voice (or that of another…). It remains an effect plugin. The disadvantage is that the result depends essentially on the style of the initial singer.

Well, that ability you already have with SynthV and any of the voice banks. Just play with the pitch parameter.

Ah, OK, got it :+1: Probably not what I’m looking for.

Yes. I don’t currently have Synth V. May have to wait for some gruffier voices :blush:

I took some of my vocals from two decades ago and I’m experimenting with this strategy.