Shift or select all to the right of a lyric note?

is there a way or script that lets me select every note to the right of one note to move to the right or lets me shift every lyric to the right? trying to add in “+” one by one is almost impossible if you insert the whole song by lyrics. i want it to work how vocaloid 6 works where shifting to the right pushes every lyric to the right. when i try using control + shift + arrow key it just deletes the next note rather than pushing them all like in V6.

If you select all the notes (you have to shift) before using the Ctrl-shift-arrow key, all the notes are shifted (as in V6).
Notice that the last shifted words will be lost because of the missing note to push. With a script, I imagine that it is also possible to do the same thing by selecting a single note.

Not only “imagine”, I did it and published it on my github repo (LyricsShiftLeft & LyricsShiftRight). This is to reproduce the shift + A and shift + Z of Vocaloid 6. You can assign them to the same shortcuts. Interesting but not essential thanks to the note selection mentioned above.