Pacific Palisades by Ash - Acoustic Cover - Natalie Vocal

Just a quick cover using Natalie with virtually no parameter adjusts.


Natalie makes this sound so effortless, maybe because of the lack of parameter tweaks?
It has a lullabye-like quality, gorgeous.


Yes. I’m a relative newcomer to this so it’s perhaps easy to get into the mindset of needing to tweak every intonation to get it sounding as authentic as possible but while I think there are a couple of incidences of it sounding ‘slightly robotic’, in the main I figured that it wasn’t really broken and so didn’t really need fixing. I really need to try some other voices though. I’m getting somewhat stuck with Natalie. :slight_smile: Currently working on a heavy rock tune with Solaria but it’s taking time because there’s a lot more going on and therefore far more space to make mistakes.

You mean ‘many more learning opportunities’ don’t you?


Nice job for just getting started. Natalie does a great job without a lot of tweaking - mostly just the occasional phoneme change. What would help is breathing - both the space to breathe and a breath sound. Many new SV creators make long vocal lines that are impossible to sing. She starts with a breath, and we never hear it again. Sing the line yourself to see where a breath would happen and use the BR code to trigger the sound.

I really appreciate the reply. I was a bit lazy here with the breathing. The only reason I really exaggerated the initial one is because it’s cheekily referencing the original. You can’t hear Tim Wheeler breath again after that first one but I think that might be for different reasons. :smiley: