New/Old 80's Dance Tune Collab with Solaria :)

Solaria wanted to do an early/mid 80’s electropop tune. Who am I to say no?


Nice retro pop tune. Really take me back (in a good way :grinning:).

For the phrase “Come here now”, did you spell it out like that? Did you try something that might flow better, like “Come ear now” spelling?

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Phrase… Absolutely!! I worked that line to death. Every possible permutation I could think of ranging from alternate phonetics to various timing cuts to assaulting Solaria’s pararams in hitherto unknown ways. And the hook is a pure three-part all the way through so it adds complexity as each part opens and closes differently depending on pitch. It’s that line that made me want to finish the tune because it was such a challenge. I’d love to recut the vocals if somebody has a clever solution. That would be great!!

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I tried it as “Come ear now” and thought it was smoother. Maybe not everywhere. Later in the song (2:04) when singing acapella, the full “Come here now” is clearer and adds some variety. Just some thoughts.

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Great thanks!! Ill try it out

Hi… Just tried out various permuations of ear (ear, eer, ere, he + ear, hee + ear) and I think I prefer the original ‘here’ overall. If you have any other suggestion please let me know!!