MIDI pitch bend range

Is there any WAY to adjust the MIDI pitch bend range in SynthV (or individual voice banks for it)?

I’m concluding, the answer is no. That from lack of responses, and because of that I’ve tried the CC RPN 100 and 101 method.

When trying adding the RPN’s to the MIDI I’m importing, it seems to change nothing.

I have NOT tried SYSEX, as it’s the even older method, it’s very unlikely DT would have bothered with that.

ThanX to those that have at least read the question. :slight_smile:

Maybe your topic is interesting but I wonder what is your goal with the pitch bend range. And outside of SynthV, what is it for?
In SynthV, the pitch range is defined (as a human does) with the vocal range of the singer. And it is not subject to updates. Unless a human is not human.
Some voice banks have a specific voice range for each voice mode.
But that’s not the question of this topic.
So what is your need with SynthV to update the pitch range. I wish to understand.
What I know with SynthV is that when you import a midi file, no velocity or variation is imported. It is a simple and strait notes importing function. As you can do with a drag & drop group notes inside your DAW to SynthV.
We can reproduce velocity variations in another way. Adding velocity by hand (or by midi with a script) on the parameters panel.

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What I’m doing is importing MIDI from pre-existing projects that used AlterEgo by Plogue. In it’s case, it uses straight MIDI and all you do within it is add lyrics.

As such, I used traditional MIDI pitch bends for the vocal bends, but I’ve given up and have started on redoing those.designed specifically for SynthV.

Ok I understand.
It is also possible to create a script to read a specific information inside the midi file and apply it on a corresponding pitch to a SynthV track. If the information is easy to locate inside the midi file, you can use it to set the pitch of the SynthV (as I do for another need with reading a CC1 controller and setting the time corresponding to the loudness track of the SynthV).