Help with phenomes

Hi all! I’m pretty new to Synthesizer V, and really enjoying it using it so far :grinning:

I’m wondering if it’s possible to get the voices to sing vowel phenomes outside those listed? Sometimes, I can substitute a different vowel on the list to get the desired result, but there are some that have really stumped me.

For example, I’m having some trouble with the ‘i’ in words like “silence”, which always come out as “sah-lence” i.e. a very open ‘aah’ sound, whereas I’m looking to achieve more like “eye” (the phenomes list says that ‘ay’ should be collect, as in ‘dye’, but it sounds very much like “ah” to my ears with the word ‘silence’).

Thanks for any tips!

Have you tried experimenting with spellings? maybe something like “sylence” could work?
Failing that sort of trick we are forced into selecting phenomes directly, either on a word-by-word basis or via a custom dictionary entry.

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or “creative” word splitting across a couple of notes e.g. “sigh” “lence” (lance, lince etc). “melon” “collie” etc all can help to enforce pronounciations sometimes better than just trying single words…

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