Advice for Female Hard Rock vocals

I’m currently working on a song which i believe has been influenced by The Warning.

I have Solaria. Is this the best option?

Any techniques to maximize the expression / power?

I don’t feel I’m getting quite what I need.

If there are any external post-processing solutions I would also be interested to learn.

Any links to your own stuff in a similar vein would be really helpful.

Many thanks.

I think you could achieve something sounding similar to The Warning with Solaria. I think if you search (because I’m not sure about links) youtube for Solaria Misery Business which is a Paramore cover you can hear a quite similar style being achieved. I had a listen to a couple of the most popular Warning songs and I think if you use a send fx channel with heavy compression and touch of distortion blend that with the clean vocal. Then another fx send with a fast slapback delay (like Elvis or John Lennon) on lightly most of the time. Then another with a longer more repetitions to blend into gaps to taste. Hope that makes sense and you can find it helpful? Oh and turn up the Power and Passionate vocal settings for the voice, I think that’s what they are from memory

That’s a perfect example. Thank you. I’ll dig in and see what I can do now this has raised the bar for my expectations.

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